
There are six operators in dart:

  • arithmetic
  • relational
  • check type
  • bitwise
  • assignment
  • logical
  • conditional

1. Arithmetic

The arithmetic operators are the same as the java, but the ~/ is an exception in dart.

1 2 3
+ - *
/ ~/ divide but return integer -expr reverse the sign
% ++ --
 var a = 3 ~/ 2;
 print(a); //print 1
 a = -a;
 print(a); //print -1

2. relational

Same as the java.

1 2 3
> < >=
<= == !=
 var a = 1;
 var b = 2;
 var isLarge = a > b;
 var isLow = a < b;
 print(isLarge); //print false means that a is not larger than b.
 print(isLow); // print true means that a is lower than b.

3. check type

1 2
is is!
check the variable is or not the appoint type the reverse ,check is not
 var a = 1;
 var isInt = a is int;
 var isDouble = a is! double;
 print(isInt); //print true.
 print(isDouble); //print true.

4. bitwise

All the bitwise operators are operating with its responsive place.

operator description example
&AND a & b if its responsive bits are same as 1 then take the one,otherwise zero.
OR the sign is a Vertical line if have an one ,take one
^ XOR a^b if different take one ,otherwise take zero
~ NOT ~a this one is very special , the ~1 == -2 just invert the a
<< left shift a«b the bits of a shift left b step.
>> right shift a » b the bits of a shift right b step

If you understand the the ~ operator very different , if can look at these Answers and Complement.

5. assignment

There some common operators about assignment operator, such as +=.

operator explanation
= var a = 12; //just a sample assign
??= if variable is null then assign it
+= a +=1 means a =a+1,the other multi assignment is the same use
-=,*=,/= the using is the same as the += but have the different operators

6. Logical

there are three operators in logical operators.

operator explanation
&& both true will return true.
vertical line OR can not show the vertical line here. if have true return true.
! invert variable ,if true return false

7. Conditional

This is same as the ?: expression in java. The mean is that if true return a else return b.

 var a = !true;
 var content = a ? "this is true" : "this is false.";
 print(content); //will print 'this is false.'


There are two types of loop,the keywords are for and while .But for have two sub types and while also have two sub types.examples following:

var names = ["xiaoming", "xiaoqiang", "laowang"];
print("for example:");
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
  print("name$i: ${names[i]}");
print("for in example:");
for (var name in names) {
print("while example:");
var index = 0;
while (index < names.length) {
print("do while example:");
index = 0;
do {
} while (index < names.length);

Decision Making

In every programming language,there must be a decision sentence,so as the dart,the using is almost same as the java.The keyword is if,switch,examples are below.

var a = 1;
  if (a == 2) {
  } else if (a is double) {
    print("a is double type");
  } else if (a == 1) {
    print("a = 1");
    print("I don't know what is the a");

  switch (a) {
   case 2:
   case 1:
     print("I do not know what is the a");

The decision is easy to use it.I expect you can use it by yourself.

The End.